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Inatega, from feeding and animal health area, is engaged in feed supplements manufacture specific to every animal species and prduction system to enable them to reach their full genetic potential without losing health. This requires a dinamism at every stage of the production process to obtain products fit the needs of a increasingly demanding livestock.

As an added value, Inatega no t only offers feeding products, but also advice and solutions that farmers need to get maximun rentability on their farmings.

Inatega currently offers specific products for the following animal species.


Inatega Corporate Material:

- Who we are - Corporate presentation - InategaView online
- Folleto Avicultura INATEGAView online
- Folleto Caprino INATEGAView online
INATEGA Ctra. Valdefresno, 2. 24228 Corbillos de la Sobarriba. León. Phone number: 987 213 172 - Fax: 987 255 858 - Email: